Eat pray love audiobook cover
Eat pray love audiobook cover

The ones who took it too literally and actually followed in EG's footsteps just seemed like deranged fangirls. I liked the stories who took EG's Eat Pray Love message to mean they needed to achieve balance physically, mentally and emotionally. Some of the anecdotes felt like the writer merely inserted some EG and EPL name dropping to make them more appropriate for the book and wonder just how much the Eat Pray Love philosophy really featured in their journey. There was a sense in some of these stories that the authors were using this compilation as a way to help them to published authordom. Referring to your copy of EPL as your bible and following her path exactly probably isn't the best way to happiness. So many of these stories seemed to be penned by people who though of EG as some kind of deity and had her up on a pedestal. But I don't believe that travelling overseas, indulging in eastern religion and becoming yoga enthusiasts is the only way to do it. I understand that in order to be happy, there is a need to nourish ones body, mind and soul.

eat pray love audiobook cover

And there is a distinct feeling that most of these woman (all the authors were female except for two - one of which wrote a story which confused me incredibly) were not merely inspired by Liz but wanted to be her. Each one is only a couple of pages which for the most part isn't enough time for me to feel vested in their lives. I liked the concept of this book but for me this book just missed the mark. They used the memoir as inspiration and after reading Eat Pray Love (EPL) took steps to change their lives. I hope we all find them.Įat Prey Love Made Me Do It is a compilation of almost fifty stories by people who did more than just imagine what it would be like to live like Elizabeth Gilbert (EG). It reminded me that this world is very vast, and there are many individuals with different stories and destinies, all searching for God and love. But seriously, ALL the stories were amazing and very human. I LOVED all the stories though a few I read more than once because they meant so much to me, like 'Happy Wife, Happy Life', 'A Bonk on the Head', and 'Fall Risk'. Now that I read the whole book, I cried tons, felt so much love, pain and hope within these pages.


Also, I loved that the author wasn't telling us how to live, but only sharing her story, simply honest whether you like it or not. Nearly 48 stories.Įlizabeth was wondering why her book was this popular though there was many other books dealing with self discovery, to me, the book captured my attention for two reasons the first time I saw it, the title and the design of the cover struck me, it was so attractive. The book is a celebration for ten years have passed since it was originally published, it's about real women and men who were deeply affected by this book that they changed their lives after reading it. I flipped the first pages and read the introduction by Elizabeth Gilbert. I held it close to check the cover because it had 'EAT PRAY LOVE' on it I wasn't sure if it was by the same author or a book written about the memoir.

eat pray love audiobook cover eat pray love audiobook cover

What will Eat Pray Love make you do?Ī few days ago, while going out for iced tea and some air, I entered one of my favorite bookstores to find this book. Some writers face down devastating illness and crippling fears, and others step out of their old lives to fulfill long-held dreams of singing, acting, writing, teaching, and learning.Įntertaining and enlightening, Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It is a celebration for fans old and new. One writer’s search for the perfect pizza leads her to New Zealand and off-the-grid homesteading, while another, in overcoming an eating disorder, redefines her relationship not only with food but with herself. A woman goes to divinity school and grapples with doubt and belief. A man leaves seminary, embraces his sexual identity, and forges a new relationship with God. One writer, reeling from a difficult divorce, finds new love overseas another, a lifelong caregiver, is inspired to take an annual road trip, solo. The journeys they recount are transformative-sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, but always deeply inspiring.Įat Pray Love helped one writer to embrace motherhood, another to come to terms with the loss of her mother, and yet another to find peace with not wanting to become a mother at all. Here, in this candid and captivating collection, nearly fifty of those readers-people as diverse in their experiences as they are in age and background-share their stories. In the ten years since its electrifying debut, Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love has become a worldwide phenomenon, empowering millions of readers to set out on paths they never thought possible, in search of their own best selves. A New York Times Bestseller - True stories inspired by one of the most iconic, beloved, bestselling books of our time

Eat pray love audiobook cover